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The future of heavy machinery is at Conexpo 2020. Therefore, LiuGong Latin America sent the best of its teams of employees and distributors to that great event. The teams have used their experience to absorb knowledge and to learn about market trends.

Our special hug to the representatives of LiuGong distributors who are part of this delegation: CBMaq, Priori and Tracsul.

A strong brand reflects a supportive team and managers who are always looking to find solutions and propose tools that facilitate the work of their employees, partners and customers.

During Conexpo 2020, Mr. Kevin Thieneman, Vice President of LiuGong Machinery and Chairman of LiuGong Americas, and Mr. Tiago Eufrásio, Product and Marketing Manager at LiuGong Latin America, took the opportunity to reinforce the ties with the ones present.

We would like to thank all of our partners who honored us at that event and send a special hug to our distributors across all Latin America! May more experiences like this come in a near future. Count on us!